How to Fix Mottling Paint Defects in Metallic Paints
also known as: clouding, shadowing, flooding, muffling, floating, misting, chalking, precipitation, blooming, bloom, bleaching
Mottling in paint or mottling paint defects occurs in metallics when the flakes float together to form striped (or spotty) appearance
- Basecoat flash-off time too short before application of clearcoat
- Basecoat applied too wet (Coat affected by humid air or cold weather)
- Wrong application: Holding spray gun too close to work or uneven spray pattern
- Wrong preparation: wrong thinner or material not uniformly mixed
- Apply basecoat evenly and keep to recommended flash-off times
- Do not spray the metallic basecoat too wet
- Select thinner suitable for shop conditions (e.g. faster-dry solvent in cold weather)
- Agitate/stir pigmented topcoats, incl. metallics, thoroughly
- Adjust spray gun properly, incl. air pressure. Use proper spraying techniques
If mottling occurs during the application of basecoat: compensate by spraying a thin layer of basecoat over the affected area.
If mottling occurs after the application of clearcoat: allow to dry, sand it and reapply basecoat and clearcoat.