Sagola Raider 160 Airless Pump for small and medium workshops
The Raider 160 high-pressure pump of company Sagola, featuring a compact and easy-to-clean design, has a paint flow capacity of 1.26 lpm [0.33 gpm] and therefore suitable for small and medium workshops.

Technial Specifications
Pressure ratio: 16:1
Outlet Pressure (max.): 96 bar [1392 psi]
Inlet Pressure (max.): 6 bar [87 psi]
Air Consumption: 200 lpm [52.83 gpm]
Free Flow Capacity (@60 cycles/min.): 1.26 lpm [0.33 gpm]
Tip Size (max.): 0.013″
Weight: 12.2 kg [26 lbs]
The pump is available in wall mounted version, with trolley for transportation, with absorption tube or gravity deposit (for small productions or color changing), or pump only for the integration in complex painting installations.
Lacquers, enamels, primers and fillers
Manual/Parts Breakdown
Sagola Raider 160 manual (*.pdf, source: Sagola)