Prona Industries Co. Ltd.

Prona Industries Co. Ltd. specializes in manufacturing paint pressure tanks, manual and automatic spray guns, diaphragm pumps, agitators and pneumatic tools.


Pressure tanks, spray guns (manual & automatic), diaphragm pumps, air agitators, pneumatic tools

Brand Names



Prona Industries Co. Ltd. was founded in 1985. Since then, the company has established several other companies such as Guangzhou Prona Air Tool Co., Ltd. and Prona (Nanhai) Pneumatic Tools Co. Ltd. The current Prona factory is located in Foshan, Guangdong (China).

Contact Details

Prona Industries Co., Ltd.
No. 2, Changxing Road, Luotuo Industrial Park,
Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Tel. +86-574-86583888

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